Monday, June 18, 2007

Is there any risks of flashing the phone? Can it be permanently bricked or spoiled if the flashing goes wrong?

Flashing is not risky if uve got CID36 or CID 49 and NOT brown phones but you gotta follow all steps with pateince.Read all tutorials and understand before u get down to flash

If I flash my phone and change the system files, does my phone's warranty get void?

It does get void . but if u reflash back to k750 using tutorial 3 then ur warranty stands again ( since the sony guys wont know that uve flashed!!even if u fiddle with acoustcis, or camera, thers no way SE ppl can detect any changes. they just dont have the facilities to do it.

Camera Sounds - Silence

Method 1: Disable Camera Sound completelyThe camera sounds come from the files camerashutter.3gp and camerafocus.3gp. If these files don't exist, the camera is silenced. This means the camera makes no sound even if the phone is not in Silent Mode. You could also delete only camerafocus.3gp for example, if you only want the shutter sound to be heard.The camera sound files can be deleted from /tpa/preset/system/sound

Method 2: Enable Silent Mode for camera soundsThis method will enable you to disable the camera sounds by turning on Silent Mode. When not in silent mode, camera sounds will operate as normal.Copy the customize.xml file in /tpa/preset/custom to the computer and make a backup. Open customize.xml in an editor and change the following setting from false to true:trueSave the file then delete the existing customize.xml on the phone and copy in the new version.Important: You will have to do either a settings or master reset before this trick will take effect. Once you do, you will be able to silence the camera on demand, simply by putting the phone into silent mode

Backup Games and Java Apps

All Java midlets can be backed up by copying the jar and jad files from the phone to your computer.The jar and jad files at can be found here: /tpa/preset/system/ams To backup your games, simply copy the jar and jad files in this folder to your computer.The games will need to be reinstalled if you delete them from the phone and then later want to reinstall. You can't just copy the old files back into the ams folder. But you can use the old jar and jad files you copied from the phone to reinstall the game (the same way you would install a game normally)

Deleting Pre-Installed Content and Games

You cannot delete the pre-installed content from the handset itself, but with access to the internal file system you can delete ANY pre-installed content you want. Simply browse to the folder where the preset content is stored and delete it.Here are the folder locations for the various pre-installed content:
Games: /tpa/preset/system/ams.
Games: /tpa/preset/default/java
Sounds: /tpa/user/audio
Sounds: /tpa/preset/default/audio
Images: /tpa/user/image
Images: /tpa/preset/default/image
Themes: /tpa/user/theme
Themes: /tpa/preset/default/theme
Video: /tpa/user/video
Frames: /tpa/preset/system/multimedia/pe/frames
Frames: /tpa/preset/system/multimedia/pe/funlayer
Clipart: /tpa/preset/system/multimedia/pe/clipart

Change System sounds

The various system sounds are stored at /tpa/preset/system/sound. If you replace them with your own versions you can change the sound the phone makes for a given system sound. For example you can replace the noisy lowbattery.mid with something more subtle.Replacement sounds should have the same name and audio format (mid, mp3, amr) as the original, and be about the same length.To replace a system sound, delete the existing sound from /tpa/preset/system/sound and copy in your own version.

Change Startup and Shutdown sounds and Images

Startup and shutdown images and sounds are located in various locations. To change, simple delete the existing file, and copy in your file with the same name. Here are the various names, file sizes, formats and locations:Boot image: SPLASH in /tpa/preset/system/settings/This is the 176x220 pixel image displayed at boot up, called the Splash Screen. Can be in gif, bmp or png format. Animation not supported.Startup Image: STARTUP_IMAGE_SEMC in /tpa/preset/system/settings/This is the 176x220 pixel image shown after the Splash screen. This image can be chosen by the user in settings/display/start-up screen so you don�t need internal file system access to change this image.Shutdown Image: SHUTDOWN_IMAGE_SEMC in /tpa/preset/system/settings/This is the 176x220 pixel image that is shown when the phone is shutting down. Can be in gif, bmp or png format. Animation is supported, but total number of frames should be kept low, and gif should not be set to repeat animation, as this will slow down the shutdown.Startup Sound: STARTUP_SOUND_SEMC.mid or STARTUP_SOUND_SEMC.mp3 in /tpa/preset/system/settings/This is the sound that plays when the phone starts up.Shutdown Sound: SHUTDOWN_SOUND_SEMC.mid or SHUTDOWN_SOUND_SEMC.mp3 in /tpa/preset/system/settings/This is the sound that plays when the phone is shutting down.

Delete the SE Web links

Sony Ericsson or your operator install links at the top of every folder in your phone's file system to websites with their content. These are pretty useless to most of us, and serve only to clutter up access to our files. The links are stored in two locations within the file system.Firstly, as xml files in folders within fs/tpa/preset/system/custmenu. For example the folder GAMES_HOOK_1 might contain an xml file pointing to the operator's game download page, as well as an image used as the icon.Secondly, the links are cached in the files cust_menu_data.dat and cust_menu_done_unpacking.dat that sit in fs/tpa/preset/system/custmenu.To get rid of an operator link, you need to delete the folder in custmenu for the relevant link, then delete the files cust_menu_data.dat and cust_menu_done_unpacking.dat.

Get rid of tiresome cam sound...

The camera sounds depend on the files camerashutter.3gp and camerafocus.3gp. You can change the camera sounds by replacing these files with your own versions. The new sound files must have the same names as the old ones, and be in 3gp format, preferably audio only.Delete the existing files from fs/tpa/preset/system/sound and then copy in the new versions.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


To increase the everlasting SMS inbox storage memory....

These are the prime requisites to increase SMS storage----

1.USB flash Drivers
3.FAR manager with SEFP

Lets start…

1) [only for CID49]::Firstly, we need to patch our MAIN firmware to make it compatible with FAR and SEFP. For this remove SIM and connect your phone with XS++ [as we do in flashing,with the 'c' key pressed](or any other flashing program that you use), and check to -"Flash MAIN Firmware". Click ‘…’[path] and browse to the FAR folder and then to Plugins folder. Select the file according to your phone model, in my case, ‘k750w800_r2e_dcu.49r.ssw’ (for K750/W800/W700 CID49) . Now hit flash . 5 flashblocks will be loaded in 5 seconds!!!). Now our MAIN is patched.

2) [for CID36 and CID49 both]::Close XS++, unplug fone and re-insert battery to refresh. Now open FAR manager program. Press F11 and then select SEFP plugin. in the following screen select… Device:DCU60, Speed: 921600 ,Boot Script: According to fone model (k750_w800_CID49 or k750_w800_CID36) Do it carefully!!! … Now Hit --Enter The MATRIX!!!Connect your fone when asked with the "c"button pressed,,after detection release "c" button.after a few seconds, a screen will show you two folders, FLASH and FS. Note that the window is divided into two… the left side represents your phone contents. The right side represents your PC's hard drive contents… currently inside FAR manager folder.

3) [for CID36 and CID49 both]::Now double click on FS and wait for a couple of minutes till it breaks into your FileSytem. Now you are inside the phone's control centre. Before we do something u must create a backup folder for your original files (in case you need them). So on the right side (harddrive) of your screen, click anywhere and press F7 to create a new folder. Name it as ‘backup’. On the left side (fone FS) open the folder,/ifs/settings/messaging… you will see a file named pref_store.txt. Click and drag this file to the backup folder. now,select it and press F4 to edit the file. in the new screen, change '/smsdata' to '/tpa'. press F2 to save and F10 to quit the file editing.Now goto the root directory by clickin "..." where u see ur ifs,tpa,system,etc etc folders... there is a folder called smsdata with 2 folders inside --messaging and system. copy both folders of smsdata to tpa folder. this way your old sms wil not be deleted.

4) [for CID36 and CID49 both]::Now, that we are finished with our operations, we need to shutdown the loader. For this keep on clicking ‘..’ (root of folder) until it asks you to shutdown CSFS loader.Click yes and Quit FAR manager, and unplug fone. Remove and Reinsert battery to refresh.

5) [only for CID49]::The final step is to un-patch the MAIN firmware. Again, open FAR manager program, and connect fone, the same way as before. This time goto FLASH instead of FS. and now in FAR manager folder. goto Plugins folder and then to REST. You see a number of files… with prefix ‘REST_’ followed by your fone’s firmware version. Select the appropriate file of your MAIN firmware (I have a k750 flashed to w800 r1bc002 main so REST_W800_R1BC002 in my case) and drag it to anywhere on the left side. select Copy then in the new window Hit flash. Quit FAR manager and unplug your fone. The job is done!!!

Insert SIM and turn on your fone and enjoy.........


Now since you know a lot on flash programming, lets exploit the potentials of it to the maximum. Let us begin with changing the menu display.

1.Remove your SIM and turn the fone off

2.[FOR BOTH CID36 AND CID 49]::Open FAR manager program. Press F11 and then select SEFP plugin. in the following screen select… Device:DCU60, Speed: 921600 Boot Script: According to fone model (k750_w800_CID49 OR k750_w800_CID36 )Now Enter The MATRIX!!!
Connect your fone as we do in flashing… your fone should get detected. after a few seconds, a screen will show you two folders, FLASH and FS. Note that the window is divided into two… the left side represents your phone contents. The right side represents your hard drive contents… currently inside FAR manager folder.

3.[FOR BOTH CID36 AND CID 49]:: Now double click on FS and wait for a couple of minutes till it breaks into your FileSytem. Now you are inside the den!!! All files that govern your fone’s functionality are right before your eyes!!! Before u copy something into your fone, u must create a backup folder for your original files (in case you need them). So on the right side (harddrive) of your screen, click anywhere and press F7 to create a new folder. Name it as ‘backup’. On the left side (fone FS) go to --tpa/preset/system/menu/ and u will ound a file there,,click and drag it to your backup folder and to delete the original file from fone’s FS, select it and click delete (bottom right of screen) or simply press F8.

4.[FOR BOTH CID36 AND CID 49]:: Copy all your .png or .gif files into the folder and the also.......this is it...u r done ...!!!!!Now, that we are finished with our operations, we need to shutdown the loader. For this keep on clicking ‘..’ (root of folder)
until it asks you to shutdown CSFS loader. Click yes and close FAR manager, and unplug fone. Reinsert battery to refresh.

5.Insert SIM & turn on your fone and see d difference.


Flashing basically means changing the firmware(software) of your phone.Your phone firmware(software) is made up of two parts the Phone MAIN and the phone FS. Flashing allows you to change either or both parts of this software.Also Using program called FAR MAnager you can even change individual software driver files in any of the mentioned two parts ( i.e MAIN or FS).

Advantages of flashing are many:

The main one is the the stock K750i does not have the trademark "Walkman player" as the W series phones have, hence by flashing the K750 to the W800 software we can achieve this , so we end up with better acoustics(sound) thru the earphones and external speaker
By changing individual drivers we can change the software that governs the camera or display of the phone hence it is possible to fine tune them as you wish.

Happy flashing....


Did you know that the K750 and W800 have the EXACT same motherboard, the company has fooled the customers by changing the K750 casing to Orange-White and named it W800i… which made some annoyed nut cases out there to try out some dirty tricks!!! And the results were fruitful… K750 can easily be flashed to W800!!! The only barrier that separated K750 from a W800 was the software and that has been broken!!!

W800 firmware is encrypted as CID36. K750 is available in 2 encryptions:--CID36 and CID49. Older K750s (7-8 months old) came with CID36. If your phone is new, it has to be CID49. You will find out your CID number in the coming posts itself so don’t worry about that. Just follow the instructions…

Flash K750 (CID36and49) to W800

Tutorial: Flash K750 (CID36and49) to W800
Just ignore the old tutorials and try this new, easy and reliable method to flash your phone to W800...

You got your K750 the other day and you were damn satisfied with the gizmo… but the story does not end here. It seems Sony didn’t ship this set with some more features that its hardware can support… The company fooled the customers by changing the K750 casing to Orange-White and named it W800i…

In short, the K750 and W800 have the EXACT same motherboard… which made some nut cases out there to try out some dirty tricks!!! And the results were fruitful… K750 can easily be flashed to W800!!! The only barrier that separated K750 from a W800 was the software and that has been broken!!!!

Now… as I promised my friends, here is a step-by step easy guide toflashing your K750 to W800!


W800 firmware is encrypted as CID36. K750 is available in 2 encryptions … CID36 and CID49. Older K750s (7-8 months old) came with CID36. If your phone is new, it has to be CID49. You will find out your CID number in the tutorial itself so don’t worry about that. Just follow the instructions…

CID36 K750s can be directly flashed to W800. For CID49 K750s, we need to first convert the W800 CID36 firmware to CID49 and then flash. Things will become clearer in the tutorial itself, so no need to panic at this point!

Before flashing, back up all your data, contacts etc. etc. because your phone will be completely wiped out in the process.

Remove SIM and memory card for the entire procedure.

During flashing process, avoid touching your PC or phone or USB cable. Do not take your eyes off the screen during the entire procedure.

Do not let your phone turn ON at any point of time. Flashing takes place only when phone is switched OFF!!!!

Flash your phone in the exact same order as I have given. i.e
1) Flash FS
2) Customize FS
3) Flash MAIN
Reason being XS++ has a bug and flashing works this way only.

The entire process may take between 15 minutes to half- hour.

Now, I have packaged all the necessary softwares and tools that we require into one!!!

Download the whole package from here:

Link :
password : sarath

The package includes:

XS++: This program is used to flash you phone’s firmware!!! This also lets you check your CID number!!!

Gslide: This program converts W800 CID36 firmware to CID49, to make the firmware compatible to K750 CID49 phones. CID36 users need not use this.

W800 Firmware: Your Main and File System files. Lets say these are your W800s operating system files!!!

USB Flash Driver: The driver you need to enable your phone for flashing through USB cable. Note that these drivers are NOT the same ones you get on K750 PC suite CD!

Now we are read to flash!
If your phone gets fucked up, then its not my fault! Although this process is 100% safe, but I know there are a few dumb asses out there who would want to go overboard with this. So my advice to you is do not, at any point, deviate from the instructions… just follow everything blindly. DO NOT ASK SILLY QUESTIONS.

If you have flashed before, or have used the Sony Ericsson Update Service sometime earlier, then your flash drivers may be installed so you can skip STEP1. For people who are new to flashing, this is a must!


Installing USB Flash Driver.

Turn off your phone. Remove SIM and memory card, and re-insert battery. Do not turn ON.
Inside K750toW800 folder, go to XS++ folder and open the program. now click START. While pressing and holding the ‘c’ button on your fone ’s keypad, insert USB cable. Windows will detect a new hardware and ‘Install new hardware’ wizard pops up. Release the ‘c’ button. In the wizard, click ‘no, not at this time’ and next. Choose to install from a specified location and click next. Under ‘search for the best drivers to install’, check ‘include this location in the search’. Under ‘browse’, choose the path to the unpacked folder you downloaded and select the folder USB Flash Driver. Now click next and let the windows install the driver.
After installing the driver, close XS++ and disconnect phone and turn it off in case it has switched on. Remove battery for 2 seconds and re-insert it (to refresh your phone).
Now your phone is ready to be flashed. But first let us check your CID number.

Again open XS++, click START, and insert cable while pressing ‘c’ the same way as before. Your fone gets detected and on the left side of the screen, you get the detailed info of your phone including the EROM CID number.

If you have CID 36, then skip STEP2 and go directly to STEP3. Do not close XS++ or unplug your fone.


Now, you know you have a CID49. So our job is to convert the CID36 firmware to CID49.
Open Gslide. for flashfile, click ‘…’ and select the file named ‘W800_R1BC002_MAIN_EU_EMEA.bin’ inside the W800 Firmware folder.
Inside ‘output’ type in the path… C:\MAINFLASH.bin
Now click ‘Process’. After sliding process is completed, again click ‘…’ for flashfile and select file ‘W800_R1BC002_FS_EMEA6.bin’ inside the same folder. Under output type in C:\FSFLASH.bin and hit process. Close the whole program after sliding completes.

Now you have generated 2 files in C:\ drive using Gslide. MAINFLASH.bin and FSFLASH.bin


Flashing FS.

For CID36: Your phone is already detected by XS++. Under Select Firmware, check Flash File System, and then click ’…’ , now select the file ‘W800_R1BC002_FS_EMEA6.bin’ inside W800 Firmware folder. Hit flash… the flashing process is now initiated. After completion of 291 blocks, it will say either ‘done flashing’ or hang at ‘finishing flash’. Don’t worry about it. Close the program and unplug phone. Again take-out and reinsert battery to refresh. Go to STEP4.

For CID49: Inside XS++, Under Select Firmware, check Flash File System, and then click ’…’ , now select the file ‘FSFLASH.bin’ in the C:\ drive which we generated from Gslide. Hit flash to start flashing process. After completion of 291 blocks, it will say either ‘done flashing’ or hang at ‘finishing flash’. Don’t worry about it. Close the program and unplug phone. Again take-out and reinsert battery to refresh.


Customizing FS.

Common for CID36 and CID49: Again open XS++ and connect the phone same way as we did before. Now check Customize File System and then select phone model ‘W800’, select CDA and region ‘EMEA_6(CDA102430/6)’. Hit Flash. It will ask you whether you want to use ‘breakin’ or ‘brute-force’. Click ‘yes’ for breaking and strictly follow instructions on the left side of the screen. It will ask you to connect and re-connect phone 2-3 times by press and hold ‘c’ method. Do not panic at any point here, just follow the instructions carefully on the left. At the point when it says ‘FS activation’, wait for 3 minutes. After completion, close XS++ and unplug fone. Refresh by re-inserting battery.


Flashing MAIN.

For CID36: Open XS++ and again connect your phone the same way. Under Select Firmware, check Flash Main, and then click ’…’ , now select the file ‘W800_R1BC002_MAIN_EU_EMEA.bin’ inside W800 Firmware folder. Hit flash… the flashing process is now initiated. After completion of 291 blocks, it will say either ‘done flashing’ or hang at ‘finishing flash’. Unplug your phone and close XS++.

For CID49: Open XS++ and again connect your phone the same way. Under Select Firmware, check Flash Main, and then click ’…’ , now select the file ‘MAINFLASH.bin’ in the C:\ drive which we generated from Gslide. Hit flash… the flashing process is now initiated. After completion of 291 blocks, it will say either ‘done flashing’ or hang at ‘finishing flash’. Unplug your phone and close XS++.


Now, insert your SIM and memory card and turn on the phone, wait for sometime as the phone takes time loading from a brand new firmware.


You have a brand new W800!!!

Enjoy the cool new WALKMAN startup!

For queries, do not spam my mail…

mail me at



This tutorial will help users of W800 R1BC002, K750 R1DB001,… or any other firmware… to flash their fones to the best known firmware released on k750 till date… R1CA021.

For those of you who haven’t registered themselves at, do it now!

Files you will need:

1) XS++, download from here
2) USB flash drivers, (for those who r new to flashing)
3) Firmware files (K750 CID49)
Firmware files for CID36 are also available at the same site.

Backup all your contacts, data, etc etc….

Unpack all the downloaded files.

STEP1: Installing USB flash…

If ur flashing for the first time, then u will need to install the driver from USB Flash Drivers from
password : sarath

STEP2: Flashing FS.
Turn off fone and remove sim. Replace battery. Now Open XS++ and connect fone after hitting START as instructed on the left side screen. Check the Flash FilesSytem Tab. Browse and select the files ‘K750_R1CA021_FS_EMEA_6_RED49.fbn’ that u downloaded and unpacked. Now hit flash. After completion, unplug fone, re-insert battery to refresh, and restart XS++.

STEP3: Customizing FS.
Again connect fone to XS++ the same way as before. This time check Customize FileSystem . use the settings: Phone… K750, CDA… 102337/103 EMEA6. now hit FLASH and follow the instructions on the left side screen. Unplug fone and re-insert battery after ur done. Restart XS++.

STEP4: Flashing MAIN.
Connect fone to XS++. This time, check Flash Main, browse and select file ‘K750_R1CA021_MAIN_EU_1_CL_RED49.mbn’ that u downloaded. Now hit flash. After completion of the process, unplug fone and close XS++.

Insert SIM and start fone. You are back to K750!!! Congratulations!!!


Update your phone drivers to the latest versions available in the net. The magic of FARMANAGER. As an example, I will show you how to change the speaker sound driver and camera driver for your mobile. Download the new drivers from here….
password : sarath

Here we go...

1) Firstly, we need to patch our MAIN firmware to make it compatible with FAR plugin. For this remove SIM and connect your phone with XS++ (or any other flashing program that you use), and check to flash MAIN. Click ‘…’ and browse to the FAR folder and then to Plugins folder. Select the file according to your phone model, in my case, ‘k750w800_r2e_dcu.49r.ssw’ (for K750/W800/W700 CID49) . Now hit flash . 5 flashblocks will be loaded in 5 seconds!!!). Now our MAIN is patched.

2) Close XS++, unplug fone and re-insert battery to refresh. Now open FAR manager program. Press F11 and then select SEFP plugin. in the following screen select… Device:DCU60, Speed: 921600 Boot Script: According to fone model (k750_w800_CID49 in my case). Impatient souls would select k750_w800_CID36 by mistake… so watch out!!! Hehe… Now Enter The MATRIX!!!Connect your fone as we do in flashing… your fone should get detected. after a few seconds, a screen will show you two folders, FLASH and FS.Note that the window is divided into two… the left side represents your phone contents. The right side represents your hard drive contents… currently inside FAR manager folder.

3) Now double click on FS and wait for a couple of minutes till it breaks into your FileSytem. Now you are inside the den!!! All files that govern your fone’s functionality are right before your eyes!!! Before we copy new drivers into your fone, u must create a backup folder for your original drivers (in case you need them). So on the right side (harddrive) of your screen, click anywhere and press F7 to create a new folder. Name it as ‘backup’. On the left side (fone FS) open the folder, ifs>settings>camera… you will see a file named camdriver0.dat. this is your camera driver!!! Click and drag this driver to the backup folder. now, to delete the original driver from fone’s FS, select it and click delete (bottom right of screen) or simply press F8. now goto the ‘new drivers’ folder on hard-drive and drag the file named camdriver0.dat into camera folder on the left, where we had the older file. We have successfully changed the camera driver. Now goto ifs>settings>acoustic. You will find a number of files there. Search for ‘farfield_play.apf’. again, drag this file to backup folder and delete the original from fone. Now drag and drop farfield_play.apf inside the new drivers folder into the fone. We are done with changing the drivers!!!

4) Now, that we are finished with our operations, we need to shutdown the loader. For this keep on clicking ‘..’ (root of folder) until it asks you to shutdown CSFS loader. Click yes and close FAR manager, and unplug fone. Reinsert battery to refresh.

5) The final step is to un-patch the MAIN firmware. Again, open FAR manager program, and connect fone, the same way as before. This time goto FLASH instead of FS. Now your inside FLASH. On the left side, you are in FAR manager folder. goto Plugins folder and then to REST. You see a number of files… with prefix ‘REST_’ followed by your fone’s firmware version. Select the appropriate file of your MAIN firmware (I have a k750 flashed to w800 r1bc002 main so REST_W800_R1BC002 in my case) and drag it to anywhere on the left side. Hit flash. Close FAR manager and unplug your fone. The job is done!!!

Insert SIM and turn on your fone and see the difference for yourselves…

The speaker (not headsets) volume while playing songs on media player is way 2 louder!!! People around you will envy you… especially the NOKIA users.
Also note that in the new camera driver, frames per seconds (fps) in viewfinder has increased and autofocus is superfast!!!